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They both use the same arousal and desire techniques but tantric focuses on the spiritual and has controversial theories around sexual energy. It believes that it is possible for the "wrong kind of orgasm" to result in that energy being "lost". I guess you could say it is a bit more of a belief system than a massage style.
Tantric principles as pillars of a fulfilling life have been around for a few thousand years. Indeed, yoga is based upon tantra. However, it was only applied to sensual massage a few decades ago, so could be called New Age, with special labels for genitalia: "lingam" and "yoni" that few have heard of. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it and it's a simply a different approach to sensual massage; it tries to apply a "standard theory" to human arousal and desire mechanisms whereas we are each unique in our responses. Something I do love is the focus on breathing techniques, mindfulness and vocalisation to stimulate the vagus nerve.
In tantric massage for men, there can be an intention of denying ejaculatory orgasm even though most men quite naturally find ejaculatory orgasm a very important part of arousal cycle - I do. There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate that ejaculation weakens men, as is often claimed. There is, however, lots of research to demonstrate that it is essential for physical and emotional well-being(see below). That is not to say that you won't have an orgasm and, for sure, you will be edged in a most delicious way. It is very important to confirm they will try for an orgasm.
In tantric, there is sometimes an unexplained focus on orgasms that originate from deep vaginal stimulation. The clitoris is involved in all genital stimulation orgasms because it is a large and complex organ, and not just the glans you see on the outside. Focusing on this method of orgasm is unhelpful because it implies that men should aim to provide orgasms from penetration in order to properly satisfy. Only 25% of women have orgasms this way but research indicates that 94% of woman achieve orgasm when anal penetration and vulva stimulation are combined. Confirm that your tantra person will do what you want before paying.
My slightly biased advice is to take a sensual massage where we call a cock a cock and don't think that people want to be told how to enjoy their orgasm. If you like the idea of a more spiritual approach, then try tantric afterwards and compare.
Sensual massage has been practiced for the whole of human existence. It focuses on humanism and the promotion of pleasure and desire, however experienced in the body and mind. It is not prescriptive or mystical and seeks to encourage orgasm and ejaculation for both sexes, treating them as equally sensual beings with very similar arousal systems. Importantly, it doesn't try to tell you how you should enjoy sexual stimulation and release. All sexual bodily functions and fluids have direct analogues between the sexes, just different configurations. The key variations between men and women are (generally but not universally):
Yes, taking a sensual massage is erotic in the sense it uses erotic arousal to relax and enhance the pleasure of letting go.
The massage can be regarded as sexual in the sense that the intention is to incorporate orgasm in to the experience. It simulates the whole sexual arousal process - what pioneering sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson categorised as The Excitement Phase, the Plateau Phase, the Orgasmic Phase, the Resolution Phase.
The massage is given as an intimate therapeutic treatment rather than a sexual encounter.
Yes, since an authentic sensual masseur should also have proper training in bodywork massage.
Sports and Swedish massage modalities are too emotionally disconnected to mesh well with sensual. Always check to see they are properly trained in bodywork and ask when and where so you can verify. Sensual massage is unregulated and so it is down to you to carry out due diligence. There are many "have a go Joes" with no ethics or training.
A sensual massage is given with a genuine sense of care and intimacy – incorporating relaxation, pleasure, and arousal of the body.
It combines traditional therapeutic massage with intended sensual arousal and erotic stimulation to usually but not necessarily, include orgasm.
Receiving a sensual massage produces instant physical and emotional benefits.
When we are touched and particularly when receiving sensual arousing touch, remarkable things happen to our bodies.
Doctors and scientific research are increasingly discovering the amazing effectiveness to health and well-being that regular sexual arousal produces. Here are some facts.
Mutual oral sex, wanking in front of clients and penile penetration are not sensual massage techniques. Although any act outside of a sensual massage potentially fine if consented to by both giver and receiver, it is absolutely unethical for a anyone to be working as a sensual massage therapist with the intention of gaining sexual gratification without disclosure at the time they make that decision. Although, they will obviously gain it in many situations, this is all about informed consent and anyone working in this industry should be especially aware of what that looks like.
Trying to excuse non-disclosure as providing free prostitution is not acceptable because that was not the agreement made or what is being paid for. A possible outcome is that it triggers trauma when the client realises what has occurred.
Being an experienced sensual masseur, am a realist and of course situations can get hot during a sensual massage session but it is how ethical the practitioner is, and how emotionally intelligent they are that ensures they keep the space safe for both themselves and their client. Transparency and consent are all!
If any tantric therapist or sensual masseur denies ever having had consensual sex with a client then they are lying to you and should absolutely not be trusted in any intimate situation. Your instincts as a sexual person yourself are absolutely right; you already you know in your gut that there would be situations where it would happen if you were giving sensual massages. Honesty from me and common sense from you.
If you want to have a massage with sex, please find a prostitute who clearly advertises that it is included and charges for such.
Prostitution is legal, for your pleasure, includes regular STI checks and follows safe practices so do not be tempted by people who do not appear to be offering a genuine sensual massage but "extras" on arival which actually amounts to escorting instead and not what you booked. I have had this experience myself a few times and it is very anoying to find there is even no massage table sometimes.
There is a culture of "look the other way" amongst some professionals, who claim to ethical champions, but instead care more about the protection of exclusive business networks. They are wary of ethical practitioners who ask awkward questions but happy to associate with those they know are "dodgy", if it helps their own business. It pains me that it is necessary to say it but, for this industry to flourish it must become self-reflective and open. The greatest irony is that most are women. It is in my interests to call this out because it shows potential clients and business partners that I do care.
It is very dangerous to blindly rely upon the likes of findmysexpert because it is simply paid advertising with no verifiable reviews of real experiences. The trouble is that they claim to be safe, vetted services that you can rely upon to be ethical but you must still do your own checks.
Look at the trouble TrustPilot is in because it prioritises business over the safety of buyers. Only trust a sex worker directory where:
If you know of one, please let me know. I am happy to chat with you further if you want to ask me anything about my own ethics before booking.
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